Tuesday, July 31, 2018

1Z0-882 MySQL 5.6 Developer

Exam Number: 1Z0-882
Exam Title: MySQL 5.6 Developer
Associated Certification Paths Oracle Certified Professional, MySQL 5.6 Developer
Duration: 150 minutes
Number of Questions: 86
Passing Score: 61%
Validated Against: Exams are based on General Availability (GA) versions of MySQL 5.6
Format: Multiple Choice

Complete Recommended Training

MySQL for Developers

Additional Preparation and Information

MySQL Architecture
Use MySQL client programs to interface with the MySQL Server interactively and in batch
Describe SQL Modes and their impact on behavior of MySQL
Identify characteristics which have session scope

General MySQL Syntax
Explain MySQL implementation of identifiers including case sensitivity, qualified names, aliases and use of reserved words
Identify MySQL data type properties and appropriate usage
Recognize and use common functions and expressions for all MySQL data types
Identify and use comment syntax
Describe and utilize prepared statements
Describe transactions and transaction isolation levels and the impact they have on database behavior

Creation and Design of MySQL Schema Objects
Design and create normalized databases
Create and modify tables using appropriate data types and indexing
Describe and create table constraints enforcing data integrity
Creating and modifying views
Identify and use various methods to obtain metadata for MySQL database objects

Creation, Design and Use of MySQL Stored Programs
Describe and use triggers
Create and execute stored procedures
Create and use stored functions
Implement error handling within stored procedures

Querying for Data
Execute a basic SELECT statement
Limit rows returned by a SELECT statement
Limit columns returned by a SELECT statement
Apply sorting to SELECT statement results
Execute SELECT statements which aggregate and group data

Modifying Data
Describe and execute INSERT statements
Describe and execute REPLACE statements
Describe and execute UPDATE statements
Describe and execute TRUNCATE statements
Describe and execute LOAD DATA statements
Describe and execute DELETE statements

Joins, subqueries and UNION
Identify, describe and use JOINs in MySQL commands
Describe and utilize subqueries in MySQL commands
Perform operations using UNION clause

MySQL Application Development
Identify key characteristics, features and options for PHP, Java and .NET development using MySQL standard drivers
Write a basic Java application that uses MySQL
Write a basic PHP application that uses MySQL
Write a basic .NET application that uses MySQL
Interpret MySQL error messages
Collect available diagnostic information
Describe and use NoSQL and memcached API

Basic Optimizations
Identify statements requiring optimization
Recognize and create optimal indexes for query optimization
Recognize and fix sub-optimal SQL commands
Identify appropriate optimization strategies for InnoDB usage
Optimize performance through data normalization

The application logs contain many entries of the following:
ERROR 1153 (OSSO1): Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytes
With two scenarios can (Hibernate this error message?

A. The application tried to INSERTa row that exceeded max_allowed_packet.
B. The network caused an error Inducing the max_allowed_packet error.
C. The application did not use the COMPRESS ()function for a large result set.
D. The application tried to SELECT many rows together that exceeded max__allowed_packet.
E. The application tried to SELECT a row that exceeded max_allowed_packet.
F. The operating system caused an error inducing the max_allowed_packet error.

Answer: D,F


Which two Functions can be used in a C program to retrieve information about warning?

A. mysql_info
B. mysql_error
C. mysql_warning_count
D. mysql_errno

Answer: A,B


You wish to create a trigger on the ‘city’ table that will check the value of the ‘District’ field before
any INSERT. The trigger needs to change it to” Unknown” for an empty string or NULL.
IF OLD. District IS NULL OR OLD.District= . .
SET NEW.District=’Unknown’;
Does the CREATE TRIGGER statement accomplish this goal?

A. Yes; the trigger works correctly.
B. No; FOR EACHROWis invalid syntax.
C. No; the syntax should be CREATETRIGGERcity-bi ON city BEFOREINSERT….
D. No; the OLD keyword cannot be used in an INSERT trigger.

Answer: A


The tab-delimited file”/tmp/people,txt contains:
1636 Carsten Pederson Denmark
4672 Kai Voigt Germany
4628 Max Mether France
This is the structure of the people table:
Mysq1> DESCRIBE people;

Which statement will load the first and last names into the Names column and the country into the
country column?

A. LOADDATAINFILE ‘/tmp/people.txt’INTOTABLEPEOPLE@First=$2.@Last=$3@Country=$4
(CONCAT (@First, ‘‘,@Last) ,@ Country)
B. LOADDATAINFILE‘/tmp/people.txt ‘ INTOTABLEPeople
@Skip=$1 , @ First=$2,@Last=$3,@ Country=4,
(CONCAT (@First, ‘‘ .@ Last) ,@ Country)
C. LOADDATAINFILE ‘/tmp/people.txt ‘INTOTABLEPeople
(@ Skip, @First , @Last, @Country
SETName=CONCAT (@First,‘‘,@Last)
D. LOADDATAINFILE‘/tmp/people,txt, INTOTABLEPeople.
(@Skip.@First, @Last,@Country)
E. It is not possible to load the data from the file/tmp/people.txt into the people table,as shown.

Answer: C


What are two ways in which normalizing your tables helps improve performance In MySQL?

A. Smaller table sizes and row lengths improve sorting operations.
B. Separate tables allow indexing more columns.
C. Fewer nullable column improve index usage.
D. Normalizing Improves the performance of innodb_file_per _table.

Answer: D


Sunday, July 29, 2018

1Z0-888 MySQL 5.7 Database Administrator

Exam Number: 1Z0-888
Exam Title: MySQL 5.7 Database Administrator
Associated Certification Paths Oracle Certified Professional, MySQL 5.7 Database Administrator
Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of Questions: 75
Passing Score: 58%
View passing score policy
Validated Against:
Format: Multiple Choice

Complete Recommended Training

MySQL for Database Administrators Ed 4

Additional Preparation and Information

A combination of Oracle training and hands-on experience (attained via labs and/or field experience) provides the best preparation for passing the exam.

Installing MySQL
Installing MySQL
Installed Files and Directories
Initial Configuration
Starting and Stopping MySQL

MySQL Architecture
How MySQL Processes Requests
How MySQL Stores Data
Redo and Undo Logs
How MySQL Uses Memory

Configuring MySQL
Server Options, Variables, and the Command Line
Option Files
System Variables

Monitoring MySQL
Monitoring MySQL with Log Files
Monitoring MySQL with Status Variables
Monitoring MySQL with Performance Schema

User Management
MySQL Privilege System
Creating and Modifying User Accounts
Configuring Passwords and Account Expiration
Authentication Plug-Ins
Granting Permissions
Resetting a Forgotten Root Password

MySQL Security
Security Risks
Network security
Password Security
Operating System Security
Protecting Against SQL Injections

Maintaining a Stable System
Capacity Planning
Identifying the Causes of Server Slowdowns
InnoDB Recovery

Optimizing Query Performance
Identifying Slow Queries
The EXPLAIN statement
Working with Indexes
Index Statistics

Backup Strategies
Understanding Backups
Creating a Backup Strategy
MySQL Backup Tools
Raw Backup Methods
Techniques that Use the Binary Log

Configuring a Replication Topology
Replication Conflicts
When to Use Replication
Configuring Replication
MySQL Utilities
Replication Threads
Monitoring Replication
Troubleshooting Replication

Monday, July 2, 2018

1Z0-926 Oracle Cloud Platform Application Development 2018 Associate

Associated Certification Paths Oracle Cloud Platform Application Development 2018 Certified Associate
Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Questions: 56
Passing Score: 66%
View passing score policy
Validated Against: Exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Application Development 2018
Format: Multiple Choice

Complete Recommended Training
Application Development Cloud Services Learning Subscription

Additional Preparation and Information
A combination of Oracle training and hands-on experience (attained via labs and/or field experience) provides the best preparation for passing the exam.

Our certification exams are revised regularly to align with training and product release updates. Information about exam revisions and new topics are found on this page under 'Validated Statement' and within the exam topics below. Certifications reflect validated skills for year and product release version date of achievement. If you are preparing for this exam, we recommend you check these topics periodically to ensure your exam prep covers any new topics that may be added based on regular exam revision.

Oracle Cloud Platform for Application Development Overview
Explain key concepts of the Oracle Cloud Platform and Application Development Cloud Platform.
Describe Oracle Application Development Cloud Platform Services and where they fit into Oracle's Cloud strategy.
Discuss overviews of each of the key services within the Application Development Cloud Platform: Java Cloud Service, Application Container Cloud, Developer Cloud Service, Container Native offerings, Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise, and Visual Builder Cloud Service.

Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS)
Explain VBCS architecture, concepts, and main components (variables, business objects, pages, processes, web and mobile apps)
Create and deploy a responsive web app using JET Components, Visual Page Designer, Quick starts for common patterns, source control mgmt using Git, Application Lifecycle Management (LCM)
Create and deploy a native mobile application - Device features, Native builds, Testing mobile apps in browser and devices
Build an application extending Oracle Sales Cloud
Create an application with Process and Integration services

Oracle Java Cloud Service (JCS)
Explain Java Cloud Service Concepts - Describe the service's components, topology, configuration options, and use cases. Compare JCS and JCS SaaS Extension.
Create Java Cloud Service Instances - Perform prerequisite tasks and provision instances for OCI and OCI-Classic deployments, and for WebLogic Server and Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) security configurations. Troubleshoot provisioning failures.
Manage and Scale Java Cloud Service Instances - Start/stop an instance, back up an instance, restore an instance, patch an instance, scale a cluster, and scale a node. Troubleshoot management and scaling operations.
Secure Java Cloud Service - Create WebLogic users, create access rules, upload SSH keys, and configure SSL for an instance.
Deploy Applications to Java Cloud Service - Create JDBC data sources and deploy Java EE applications using the WebLogic Server console or WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). Troubleshoot deployment failures.
Migrate Applications to Java Cloud Service - Export a WebLogic domain to cloud storage, and create an instance from the exported domain. Troubleshoot health check and export failures.

Oracle Developer Cloud Service (DevCS)
Explain DevCS features (tasks, agile, git, build, merge requests, deploy)
Explain DevCS architecture and role in the DevOps cycle
Manage code in DevCS (branches, code review, snippets, git)
Manage agile planning in DevCS (issues, sprints, SCRUM/KANBAN, project settings)
Manage CI/CD in DevCS (build, pipeline, deployments)

Oracle Application Container Cloud Service (ACCS)
Explain application design and package requirements
Explain Core features - Service Bindings, Worker applications, clustered apps, and Secure applications
Explain other ACCS functionality and operations - Caching, REST API, PaaS Service Manager Tool (PSM CLI)
Perform App life cycle management - create, scale in/out, scale up/down, update, delete
Perform Monitoring - logs, metrics, patching, recording, activity

Container Native Apps
Describe the primary purpose of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (OCIR - Docker Registry), and demonstrate the features, functions and capabilities of OCIR
Describe the architecture of OCIR
Utilize the API to add a Readme.md file to a specific repository
Describe the primary reasons for using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE), and the architecture
Describe key features, functions and capabilities included in OKE
Demonstrate the setup of a Kubernetes cluster within the OCI console